Welcome to the NYTW Blog—a resource for behind-the-scenes insights on our productions, share-outs from the classroom penned by teaching artists, community partner spotlights, and a peek behind the curtain to see how work gets made at NYTW.

Singing and Dancing on East 4th Street

In March 2020, NYTW and Poetic Theater Productions quickly transitioned the Open Mic Night series into the virtual space. From the very first virtual Open Mic Night, artists from across the globe were chiming in every month to share poetry, music, dance, theatre, and movement in response to themes that spoke to the political and cultural moment. With the reopening of public spaces after more than a year, NYTW and Poetic Theater Productions wanted to find a way to finally provide space for some of these artists to come together, meet, and perform live in-person. Why not perform outside on the streets of New York?

September 1, 2021 by Gaven Trinidad, Jeremy Karafin, and Frank Murdocco

A Poetic Partnership: Collaborating with Poetic Theater Productions

Since early 2019, New York Theatre Workshop has had the privilege to cultivate a deep relationship with Poetic Theater Productions. Together we’ve developed our community Open Mic Nights at our home on Fourth Street as well as in the virtual space during the ongoing pandemic. Our Open Mic Nights invite artists at all levels of their careers and from all over the world to share their work in community. Our joint community programs are just starting to grow with a new free playwriting program for veterans and their families! Let’s learn more about our amazing community partner.

May 10, 2021 by Gaven Trinidad - Community Engagement Associate

Community Spotlight: Fourth Arts Block

May is Lower East Side History Month, and Fourth Arts Block NYC (FABnyc) is activating its network of community-oriented arts institutions to celebrate the neighborhood and its rich history. FABnyc’s Managing Director Dakota Scott generously shared some history about FABnyc and the work they continue to do in our neighborhood.

We hope you’ll take a moment to get to know our friends at Fourth Arts Block NYC!

May 1, 2021 by NYTW